Telehealth / Outreach Clinics
Dr Costello provides Telehealth consultations where appropriate and suitable to the clinical condition. Your initial assessment with Dr Costello will be in person except when pre-arranged by discussion directly between your GP and Dr Costello.
A referral from your general practitioner or treating specialist is required for these consultations.
Visiting Cairns Clinics
Dr Costello visits Cairns on a three weekly basis, providing follow up care for existing patients. The clinic is based at Grace House at Upward Street, Cairns.
All new referrals should be sent to the Townsville rooms and as a general rule new patients will be seen for their initial appointment in Townsville with follow up arranged as clinically indicated. This may include the use of Telehealth where appropriate.
You can find out how to make an appointment by visiting our Patient Information page.